Dredged Material Characterization
SEE has provided planning, sampling, analysis and reporting for sediment dredging projects beginning with a U.S. Navy Homeport project in
Willapa Bay Federal Navigation Projects
SEE assembled a sampling and analysis team to complete sediment characterization for three federal navigation projects within Willapa Bay, WA at Tokeland Marina, Bay Center Entrance Channel, and the Nahcotta Mooring Basin. For the three project areas, a total of 56 cores were collected, logged, and composted to 18 surface DMMUs and three (3) subsurface DMMUs. All sediment samples were collected and submitted for DMMP conventional and chemical analyses. The final analysis report was completed in March of 2015, with submittal of the data in Ecology EIMS format in June 2015. SEE provided the Technical Lead, and directed the team the included Marine Sampling Systems, Browning Environmental Services, Pyron Environmental, Exa Data Services, Dalton, Olsted and Fuglevand, and ALS Inc.